Adoption Hours: Sun – Tues & Thurs – Sat 12pm – 5pm

Office Hours: Everyday 8am – 5pm


Fostering Saves Lives

The Humane Society for Hamilton County is one of the only open-admission, truly no-kill shelters in the country. We are taking in both stray and owner surrendered animals every day–regardless of available space.

We have been operating in a capacity crisis for over a year now, especially with dogs. We have dogs in our offices, visiting rooms, and even crates, because of the rising number of abandoned dogs in Central Indiana finding their ways here.

If you can’t ADOPT, please consider FOSTERING. Thousands of lives are depending on it.

There’s no cost to you as we are willing to give our fosters everything they need.
You just have to open your heart and your home.

URGENT! Pets in Need of Foster

a happy dog in foster care

How to Become a Foster

Simply fill out an application and note your areas of interest.  Some fosters require more time, and experience, than others.  We will review your application and let you know when we have a match.  Feel free to contact us any time at for more information or questions on an animal we have posted in need of foster care.

Animals in Need of Fostership

We need foster homes for nursing mothers, animals under eight weeks of age, and those recovering from injury and illness.  And, we always need foster homes who can give those emotionally declining a respite from shelter life.

Some of our more urgent foster needs include:

  • Felines suffering from upper respiratory infections
  • Motherless kittens who need to be bottle fed to survive
  • Pregnant animals
  • Cats and dogs with serious injuries
  • Heartworm positive dogs
  • Seniors who are depressed and stop eating in a shelter environment
  • Long-time shelter residents who are beginning to decline physically or mentally
  • Opening up space during high-capacity times
  • Dogs in need of rehabilitation for behavior challenges (seasoned fosters only.)
survivor dog in need of foster care
orange and white tabby survivor needed foster care

HSHC Covers Costs

HSHC will pay for all associated foster care expenses if that’s what it takes to get an animal into a healthier environment. This includes everything from medical care to general supplies like food, litter, toys and crate.

Now don’t get us wrong, we certainly appreciate our fosters who are willing to cover the basics like food, litter, and grooming.  Some of our fosters go all out and even help us cover medical care.  That extra support means we can help more animals get into foster homes.

And if you do help with foster care expenses, it’s considered a tax-deductible contribution!

Foster to Adopt

When Resistance is Futile

Sure, you set out to be a temporary foster … but then you fell in love. It happens. We call it a foster failure when fosters decide they cannot part with their foster animal. And for those who foster nursing litters, you will always get first dibs on the puppy or kitten of your choice. You know, just in case resistance is futile 🙂

Foster-to-Adopt for Medical Needs

Sometimes, a pet has already found their forever home, but a medical procedure is standing in the way of a finalized adoption. That’s where this special Foster-to-Adopt option comes in.

If you’re ready to commit to adopting a pet, but they need a medical procedure first, we’ll take care of the treatment while your new companion begins settling into their forever home with you.

Once the procedure is complete and recovery is underway, you can finalize the adoption and officially welcome them into your family.

Foster Testimonials

Foster Testimonial

About Lisa's Experience
"Some dogs don’t adapt well to the shelter environment. They become anxious, depressed, withdrawn, and some completely shut down and stop eating. Fostering these dogs is life-saving. Once they are in a loving home environment, you can see their fears subside over time and their personality starts to bloom."